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Task Force Phoenix VIII

I know that a lot of people have questions about what exactly I’ll be doing in Afghanistan.  I also know that the average person doesn’t really have a good understanding of the military or the intricacies of the wars overseas.

This page isnt going to be a conclusive document that explains it all, but I would like to give you all some information about where I’ll be going and what I’ll be doing.

I’ll keep working on this page and updating it with more sources as I find them.

As the title says, the name of my mission is “Task Force Phoenix VIII.”  To help give you a little better understanding, a “task force” is a group of units or soldiers (kind of like a committee in a corporate environment) that is given a specific mission.  My task force is comprised of MANY different units from MANY different countries.  We’ve got everyone from the British and French to the Romanian and Polish.

I bet you’re wondering what the VIII part is for, right?  I know the name of my Task Force sounds like a lame mid ’90s war movie; most likely staring Steven Seagal, but it really just means that when my unit assumes command, we will be the 8th unit to do so.  This mission has been underway for a long time and a lot of progress has been made so far.

“You mentioned a mission… what the heck are you doing there?”  Okay, so finally I’ll get to what I’ll actually be doing there.  My mission is:

TF Phoenix mentors ANA to conduct sustained, independent Counter
Insurgency operations in Afghanistan to assist the ANA to defeat
terrorism within its borders.

Basically, we are trying to teach the Afghan people to defend themselves against all threats (read: insurgents of all types).  We do this by mentoring the Afghan military leaders so that they can become self sufficient and able to operate, train, and defend themselves and their country.




16 Responses

  1. Could info Joe..

  2. Meant “Good info”

  3. your putting alot of work into this site, i like it keep it up bro

  4. Where can I get a good Hi-Rez image of the TaskForce Phoenix logo you have on the page?

  5. check out the top resource listed at the end of my post. That is where I got the logo from.

  6. Thank you, Joe for giving this info… my son and grandson will be joining this mission soon… God Bless All Of You! MamaVegas

  7. Thanks for keeping our families and friends current on what it is we are doing, maybe I will see you there.
    (33rd BCT)

  8. I know you wont be able to read this for some time Son but on this veterans day I just want say thank you to you and all of your Brothers in Arms for all that you do for us, our country, and the world.

    God Bless you all and Godspeed

  9. Joe is there a new Task Force Phoenix web site yet?
    I have looked but cannot find anything new

  10. 2 months later and we still don’t have a website, sheesh…
    I also have to find our new logo. The one posted is of CJTFP VII. :\

  11. Joe just a comment about that hit counter….Wow!

    I think you are helping to keep a lot of people informed about your tour.

    I search on google for other blogs and have found a few. I think yours is the best by far no bias here

  12. I was the advance team leader for BG Pritt during Task Force Phoenix V. You might have seen our Thunderbird on the Chow hall. TFP II and then we were assigned at SECFOR in TFP V. Great to see the mission is still continuing on. I am interested in the changes at Phoenix and Kabul.

  13. That is not the correct CJTF Phoenix VIII logo. That is the logo for the NYARNG CJTF Phoenix VII. CJTF Phoenix VIII has the “Golden Cross”.

  14. yes, that is true. I put that page up a looong time ago before I could find the correct logo. I could probably find one out there now though, just haven’t really looked at the page in a while… okay, found a picture of the patch. Its the same as the logo.

  15. hai !how r u! i am fine u fine wher r u

  16. Im trying to contact SPC Adam Harris 33Yd BCT. Task Force PHOENIX VIII.My name is Guy Winters 17655923493 please call me,I found something that you lost and i think you might want it back.

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